The stories from our class family the past 10 years have been amusing, amazing and informative. Personally, two patients, both cadets at the time have contacted me. One, a retired Marine Corps aviator, touched base as he was retiring and another just contacted me through the Days Forward after 34 years! Catching up with patients after so many years is quite meaningful and rewarding.
As we all remember, we would bet parkas and b-robes on Army-Navy and I won an RMC parka sailing in Kingston, Ontario in 1969. I thought that my cadet parka was lost in 1967 when Navy beat Army – their only win in our four years! Over 50 years later, a girl that I dated contacted me through the Days Forward and told me she had something for me. Her mother and mine has been close since first grade. What a surprise when the box appeared with my cadet parka. It still fits!
A grad faculty member who I had met at West Point at a hospital function with his wife, one of our nurses at Keller, found we both had a connection to the US modern pentathlon team years later. So, stories can lead to other connections. I’m looking forward to many more stories in the next ten years. Thank you, Chris and Suzanne.
Dear Bruce:
Thanks for the amazing story about your USMA parka. Hope to see you wearing it fashionably and fittingly at our 60th Reunion!! Until then…
Beat Navy! 🙂
Best regards & BOTL,
Amazing that it still fits!!!
COL Wheeler,
Thanks for the shoutout about crossing paths at Keller!! I was an Instructor with the Department of Foreign Languages at USMA during the same period you were the Chief Surgeon there (’89-’92). My wife Teresa, an ex-Army nurse, worked for you at Keller while we were there. I was previously assigned to the U.S. Modern Pentathlon Olympic Training Center 1978-1982.
Although I don’t recall the particular social function you refer to, we both have many fond memories of our time at USMA and of the folks we worked with and for while we were there.
Hope this finds you doing well!!
Regards…….Bob Dalton, ’76