by Bruce Wheeler
The lessons learned at West Point, to include the Cadet Prayer have been my compass, leading to many leadership opportunities in medicine and with other organizations, the Madigan Foundation and church. “Cooperate and graduate” and “there is no “I” in team” have been often quoted over the years. The Cadet Chapel Choir and Glee Club have lead me to a men’s ensemble at church, a barbershop quartet, and being a Bible Study Fellowship leader.
My wife of 42 years, the nanny for the British Liason Officer at Ft Sill, who I met over a horse, has been a source of great strength and another compass. Our daughters, both teens while at West Point, remember their time there warmly. Our older daughter, a Duke grad, now practices general surgery nearby and our younger daughter has blessed us with 2 grandchildren and works near my office.
The opportunity to help with 3 reunions has helped to stay more connected with classmates and spouses in spite of living near Ft Lewis in the “other” Washington.

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