I received a telegram from Senator Smathers at 1715 hrs, 29 June 1965, offering congratulations on being accepted into USMA. I caught a flight out of Panama City, FL, at 0715 hrs, 30 June and flew to JFK. Bus to Port Authority, and then to Highland Falls, arriving around 2000 hrs. Found a room over a bar in Highland Falls and laid awake for a good part of the night. Walked through the gate the next morning and was directed to the gym for in-processing. No orders. No welcome packet. No nothing, except that telegram. The Sergeant I reported to had no idea what to do, nor did the LTC he referred me to. The officer finally decided that I should be “processed, pending determination”, so I entered the whirlwind with everyone else. Didn’t need a haircut, but got one, anyway. The rest was a blur, for me, too. I do remember risking my life by peeking out the window of my room sometime during the day and seeing some prospective new cadet walking into Central Area carrying a large suitcase, golf clubs, and a tennis racket, quizzically gazing about. Later that day, just before the swearing in ceremony, I sneaked another peak out the window, and saw a bald-headed guy with gray shorts, black shoes and black shorts, dragging a suitcase, golf clubs, and a tennis racket, heading back out of Central Area. My orders caught up with me about 2 weeks later, and I received my draft notice just before the end of Beast.
Dan, thanks for sharing. Quite a start to a propitious career!