Had never been further north than Memphis, so went several days early to see the big NY City. In the hotel room next to mine were 3 midshipmen from deep South that had finished their first year, and my 8,000 population town was the biggest hometown of the bunch. One afternoon we 4 hay seeds decided to go see a movie and were surprised by it being a play, Porgy & Bess. We ate our bags of street-purchased bags of peanuts to the horror of those around us. On the last night, I shared a room with Tom Delwo and next day I rode up to West Point on a bus next to future roommate, Richard Taricska. All I could understand was to report to the man in the “red ????.” Since we couldn’t ask questions, I just went to the back of line to get another rendition of whatever he said. Third time I finally got it along with a group of upperclassmen who were more than happy to ‘help’ me.